Stressed? Try this

stress relief

Everyone struggles with stress at some point in their day-to-day life, and that is perfectly normal! Stress can leave you emotionally drained and unmotivated, so lets look at some ways to relive stress and take control.

Get Moving!

Exercise is a fantastic, proven way to reduce stress levels. When you exercise your brain produces and releases endorphins, these are ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters which give you a natural high. This improves your mood and allows you to relax. By setting aside time each day to exercise, you build a positive routine which can improve your emotional wellbeing, physical health, and confidence. Frequent exercise can help in supporting your immunity, cardiovascular health, and stamina. Almost any type of movement can help reduce stress so do something you love; here are some great options for exercise!

  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Fell walking
  • Tennis
  • Weight training

Pamper yourself

Life can get busy and sometimes you may feel overwhelmed and like you have no time for yourself. Putting aside just 30 minutes for yourself each day is a great way to reduce stress. Run a bath, meditate, try a face mask- whatever tickles your fancy, just make sure it is all about you. A great way to do something luxurious for yourself if you are strapped for time is by lighting a candle; not only will this create a great ambiance, but certain scents are especially calming and can help shift your mood and make you more relaxed. Try some of these great scents for aromatherapy:

  • Lavander
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Jasmine
  • Vanilla

Start a diary

There’s two different ways you can go about this: a diary where you write about your day and a diary where you schedule out your tasks for the day. Both are brilliant ways to control stress levels and feel like you have control over your emotions.

By keeping a diary or journal of your thoughts and feelings, this is a great way of articulating any stress or worries you have day-to-day and offers a tool to bring your worries to the page, rather than dwelling on them. By articulating what you are actually worried about, you can begin to understand these feelings and tackle them. A great tip is to write a positive thought for every negative thought you write down, this way by focusing on the positives you can alter your perspective, this may help relieve stress and anxiety.

It is also great to keep a to-do list or schedule of your day. This is a great way to map out your day and keep on top of your tasks, allowing more confidence and control over your day. However, don’t let your tasks control you, keep your to-do list achievable and set yourself realistic deadlines as to not overwhelm yourself.  Often we overestimate what we are capable of, this can lead to procrastination which can cause more stress as our tasks pile on top of one another. List your tasks by priority and give yourself enough breaks.

Pick up a book

As well as writing, reading can be a great form of stress relief. Reading is a great form of escapism while also broadening your mind and increasing curiosity. Pick something you’re interested in, whether that is fiction or non-fiction, there is lots to pick from but make sure it is something of interest to you that is going to uplift you. Studies show that reading can physically relax you by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles. Reading is more effective in relaxing you than listening to calming music or drinking a hot cup of tea as it relaxes your mind as well as your body. 

It is okay to say “No”

“No” is a complete sentence

Annie Lamott

One reason why we may feel stressed is that we are taking on too much. It can be overwhelming when you are booked back to back and you may feel like saying “no” lets people down; it doesn’t have to. Juggling too many responsibilities can leave you feeling stressed, learn to say “no” when you are feeling this way. Be confident and clear in what your limits are and be selective on what you can or cannot do. This can help you have control over what is causing some stress and may reduce this.


Mindfulness is the ability to ground yourself in what is present; being aware of what we are and what we are doing. This method of meditation can promote positivity, reducing stress and anxiety that we face day-to-day.

If you are new to mindfulness, begin by observing moments of the present day without judgement, be aware of what you are doing. A great way to begin practicing mindfulness is through positive affirmations, learn and remind yourself of the reasons you are great.

Practicing mindfulness can increase your self-esteem and lessen symptoms of stress. 


What to takeaway

We all struggle with stress and that is normal but it’s easy to get swept up among the stress of life, making it overwhelming and having a huge impact on your life. Address the fact you’re stressed and maybe you will figure out the reasons why. This way you can take control of your life and not let the stress control you. Practice the tips above as a way to relieve your anxiety and worries, and take control of your stress levels. 

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